Tuesday, 7 August 2012

A Perfectly Presentable Girl Crush!

Hey PPRs! How is everyone today?! I have had a busy, busy, busy day with CFW organisational bits and bobs! OOft I did not realise how much work I was getting myself into! But I’m loving it! Everyone follow at @CheltFashionWk or @RachelETranter if you aren’t already because some of the events are incredible! I have especially got my eye on the Who Wants to be a Milliner event? Hats are my thing…fascinators, straw trilbies, fedoras, whatever the hat I am pretty sure I will love it! You can see all of the events’ programmes and buy tickets online at www.cheltenhamfashionweek.co.uk.

But what I really want to talk about today is my absolute idol! She’s incredibly talented, utterly gorgeous and a ridiculously good ambassador for the British fashion scene. Three guesses who it is…Yep that’s right one half of the most famous couple in the world, mother of four of the cutest children in the whole world and BFF to some of the chicest stars in the US of A…Victoria Beckham!

The news that the beautiful VB is launching a fabulously chic eyewear line has inspired me to pay homage to my all-time Girl Crush. If you haven’t seen or heard of it yet then google, google, google right now!

As well as her ridiculously successful and ever growing main, and diffusion line, her denim line, oh-so cute childrenswear line and sunglasses,

Beckham’s Mainline.

Beckham’s ‘Victoria’ diffusion line.

VB denim collection

VB Sunglasses

 VB is directing her talent towards optical frame and boy do they look hot! Motivated by the fact that she can never find frames to suit her, even though she’s troubled, like many of us, with less than perfect eyesight! The pic she posted yesterday on her FB page is stunning, that sports-luxe inspired red and black dress from the new AW12 collection would be a show-stopper on its own, but teamed with those frames! WOW! I feel like a spoilt child, I want, I want, I want! And they are so perfect for the new season geek chic trend!

Six perfectly preened pieces ranging from retro feminine styles to aviators that are miles above the clouds in the style stakes, make up the collection that has been designed along with Cutler and Gross. Handcrafted in Italy the new range covers every trend, jewel tones, thick black frames, pearl oyster and forest green. This range is every bit as stylish as Victoria, and it’s everything you expect from a designer that has stormed the fashion world and created one of the most powerful fashion houses around, and in such a short time. Honestly…what’s not to love about this lady?!

So everyone, I hope you love VB as much as me! If not maybe this new collection may persuade you to! With her new AW12 collection launching on Net-a-porter recently, her pictures from the ultimate photo shoot in Chanel Headquarters in Paris and now this, Beckham has been in the news non-stop recently and I for one am loving it!

That’s all for tonight PPRs, hope you all have a wonderful evening!

Love, love,
x RT @ PP x

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