Thursday, 10 January 2013

London Collections: Men Autumn/Winter 2013 - My First Post Back in the New Year!

My first post back for months! I am so sorry to have neglected my blog but I have been a super busy lady in the run up to Christmas, I started a new job, the ‘in-laws’ are moving to New York! It’s all been go my end, but I promise I’m back and I am going to give you my undivided attention once again! So for my first post back, seen as there is a definite focus on the Men right now, what with the London Collections: Men AW12 coming to a close yesterday, I would do a piece for the lads! Hope you enjoy...

Finding The Perfect Winter Coat. Part One.

Jonathan Saunders AW13

Blustery winds, dramatic temperature drops and rain storms turning roads into rivers. We are all aware that autumn is now upon us and winter is fast-approaching behind. What with the weather turning and the days becoming shorter, surely the item topping your winter wish-list must be a snug winter coat. But where to start? Without doubt buying your winter coat will be one of the biggest purchases this year, you will be wearing it over everything for the next few months and so spend some time thinking about what you are looking for in a coat this season. There are so many options out there that finding the right one may be tricky so here is my Guide to Buying the Perfect Winter Coat.

Christopher Raeburn AW13

What Will You be Wearing Underneath Your Coat? 

This is the most important part of buying your coat as it is the precursor that you will use when deciding upon style, fit, colour and many other factors involved in purchasing a good winter coat. If you are searching for something to wear over a suit, like David Gandy and Jeremy Piven (pictured below at the Tommy Hilfiger and Esquire Fashion bash) then it must be smart, classic, a neutral colour and large enough to fit a suit jacket underneath without bagging out too much. A classic woollen overcoat or trench in a reserved colour is best-suited in this situation.

If you are searching for something more casual then there are a variety of options from a parka to a hunting jacket in all manner of colours, I love the Hackett duffle, worn by Tom Webb below. Mustard yellow, burnt orange, reds and aubergines are all shining examples of colours that always make an appearance for autumn/winter, but anything in a warm hue is bound to make a perfect accompaniment to your winter wardrobe. 

Just remember, when buying a winter coat warmth is the top priority. Try to avoid shorter jackets in thinner materials as these may look good now, but it the next couple of months you’ll wish you had chosen something slightly more substantial!

1 comment:

  1. We have fab winter coats here>>
